- lumi
- снег 1:6
Suomi-venäjä sanakirja perus- ja edistyneen tason koulutusta. Sanasto L.Silfverberg . 2010.
Suomi-venäjä sanakirja perus- ja edistyneen tason koulutusta. Sanasto L.Silfverberg . 2010.
lumi — (inf.) f. Prostituta … Enciclopedia Universal
Lumi — Infobox Software name = lumi caption = Screenshot of Bioconductor developer = latest release version = 2.0 latest release date = March 4, 2007 operating system = Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows platform = R programming language and Bioconductor… … Wikipedia
lumi — s. prostituta. ❙ «...cuando tiramos del carrito de la compra, cuando ajustamos precio con una lumi, cuando acuchillamos a una vieja en un semáforo...» Francisco Umbral, La derechona. ❙ «Lumi: prostituta.» Manuel Giménez, Antología del timo. ❙ « … Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"
Lumi — LumiVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt Lage Tansania; Kenia Flusssystem Pangani Vorlage:Infobox Fluss/ABFLUSSWEG fehlt Ursprung Osthang des … Deutsch Wikipedia
lumi — {{#}}{{LM L24266}}{{〓}} {{SynL41812}} {{[}}lumi{{]}} ‹lu·mi› {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} {{※}}arg.{{¤}} Prostituta: • Esa esquina suele llenarse de lumis por las noches.{{○}} {{#}}{{LM SynL41812}}{{〓}} {{CLAVE L24266}}{{\}}{{CLAVE}}{{/}}{{\}}SINÓNIMOS Y… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Lumi Cavazos — posando en el Foto wall de la Alfombra Roja de la Gala de Inauguración, en el marco de actividades del Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara Nombre real … Wikipedia Español
Lumi masking — is a technique used by video compression software, which reduces quality in very bright or very dark areas of the picture, as quality loss in these areas is less likely to be visible. It is also known as psychovisual enhancements or adaptive… … Wikipedia
Lumi laring ta ghawdex — is the Sweet Orange of Gozo.The Lumi Larinj ta [Ghawdex] is a type of orange found in a specific geographic area of the Maltese Archipelago, known as the island of Gozo. The cultivation of oranges in the area harks back to the Arabic domination… … Wikipedia
Lumi Cavazos — Infobox actor imagesize = birthdate = December 21, 1968 birthplace = Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico occupation = actorLumi Cavazos (born December 21, 1968) is a Mexican actress who won the Best Actress awards at the Tokyo Film Festival, and… … Wikipedia
Lumi Cavazos — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cavazos. Lumi Cavazos est une actrice mexicaine, née le 21 décembre 1968 à Monterrey (Mexique). Biographie Elle grandit à Guadalajara. À l âge de 15 ans, elle s intéresse à la comédie et entre dans une… … Wikipédia en Français
LUMI — Lumisys, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols) … Abbreviations dictionary